This blog is about the adventure of traveling and especially the interesting people that you meet. We will share stories about people and places we have encountered from around the United States, Ireland, Scotland, England, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Mexico, The Vatican, The Netherlands, Belgium, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Liechtenstein, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and more. This is not a travelogue -- we leave that to Rick Steves -- this is a collection of fragments in the journey of life.


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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Hints on traveling to Europe

    Air travel is just about the best way to start a visit to Europe. In our experience there are a few hints to make your trip better. 1) Do not over pack. With two of three interchangeable outfits you go a long way. Besides if you are traveling around no one will see you twice. 2) You do not have to carry a medicine chest. Take more than enough prescription pills, but know that you can find everything you need in Europe. I have aspirin from Germany, Tums from Slovakia, and foot powered from Italy at home. I bought them in Europe. If you get ill, medicine is Europe is first class and cheaper. 3) Do not over plan. Even if you are on a tour, list some things you would like to see if you have free time. Make sure that they are not necessarily where the crowds are. We have had most fun with local folks and in out of the way places. If I wanted to see Americans I would stay home. 4) Try to at least learn some of the language. A "good morning" and "where is the toilet" are handy. After you have tried many Europeans speak English. The only places I could not find someone speaking English were in a small town in Andalusia and in northern Scotland. 5) Remember you can shop at home. You are in Europe to see Europe not to see souvenirs (most of which are likely made in China). 6) Unless you go often, do not count pennies. Yes, keep to a realistic budget, but just relax in your spending. 7) Take your credit card. They are accepted most everywhere and will convert your charges to U.S. dollars for you. 8) Before you go get an International SIM card for your phone and tell your bank where you are going. 9)...


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