The full English/Scot breakfast which is also available in Ireland has canned beans. I leave those behind, but I love black pudding and white pudding too. In Scotland, if lucky, they will serve haggis. Just don't think about where it comes from. You likely eat hotdogs at home without thinking.
The dish above is a pork knuckle ordered in Munich Germany. It tastes great but is very hard to eat as you need to cut much of it off the bone. However, you will have the opportunity for schnitzel all over. It is just made of chicken or veal.
Pasta is wonderful in Italy. Just be sure of the sauce. I had Donkey meat Rago and would not have it again.
I suppose you will need to eat snails in France. It is easier when labeled "escargot". I do not care one way or the other. Garlic coverers everything.
Embrace the adventure and stay away from MacDonalds which is all over Europe.